Working Group on Atlantic Fish Larvae and Eggs Surveys



WGALESWGALESTrueCarolina Giraldo, Maik TiedemannEOSG2/15/2013 10:23:00 AMCarolina.Giraldo@ifremer.fr, maik.tiedemann@hi.no682Working Group on Atlantic Fish Larvae and Eggs Surveys

WGALES fosters the exchange of ideas, methodologies, developments, and standards concerning fish larva and egg (ichthyoplankton) surveys across the ICES area. It serves as a central platform aimed at enhancing assessments derived from these surveys.

Within ICES areas, numerous ichthyoplankton surveys are conducted, each overseen by its respective expert group. Historically, these groups operated independently with limited information exchange. WGALES acts as an overarching entity, facilitating dialogue and the sharing of scientific insights. It bridges the gap between fish reproductive dynamics and the critical early stages of ichthyoplankton, encompassing aspects such as ecology, survey techniques, and methods for egg and larval production. Working groups under the WGALES umbrella are:

  • WGSINS (Working Group on Surveys on Ichthyoplankton in the North Sea and adjacent Seas)
  • WGMEGS (Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys)
  • WGACEGG (Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for small pelagic fish in Northeast Atlantic)
  • WGELFADG (Egg and Larvae and Fecundity and Atresia Database Governance)

The efforts of WGALES play a crucial role in advancing the quality of ichthyoplankton surveys, guaranteeing state-of-the-art practices through rigorous quality assurance measures and the integration of innovative techniques and advancements for future endeavours. WGALES maintains a strong collaborative relationship with WGSMART and WGBIOP, fostering close cooperation to further enhance the collective understanding and management of marine resources.

The group serves as a vital interface between the ICES Science Committee (SCICOM) and Advisory Committee (ACOM), particularly regarding issues pertaining to ichthyoplankton surveys. This ensures that scientific findings and recommendations related to these surveys are effectively communicated and integrated into broader scientific and advisory processes within the ICES framework.​​

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