BICEpS community

BICEpS – Reinforcing the Belgian ICES community
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​What is BICEpS?

BICEpS stands for "Belgian ICES people". The general aim of the initiative is to offer a platform to the Belgian ICES community to get to know each other, to improve collaboration and to share information, and to promote ICES to the wider scientific community in Belgium.

BICEpS activities started in 2018 with the organisation of an annual colloquium held in Autumn. Due to COVID-19, for the year 2020 we are working on an alternative for the Colloquium and setting up a mentoring programme.

The activities are led by a Steering Committee consisting of the Belgian delegates of ICES with the support of communicators from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) and the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) and a secretary from RBINS.


Want to know more about our activities?

Please have a look at the BICEpS video​​​ and the BICEpS Annual Report 2018​​ and 2019. They include an overview of our activities, a summary of the colloquium (programme, abstracts, presentations, and participants) and the list of Belgian ICES expert members. No doubt you will also hear of the work of BICEpS in the social media under the hashtag #ICESbelgium. Stay tuned!

​Read the BICEpS newsletter to stay up to date with the BICEpS community.​​ Want to join the BICEpS mailing list and/or be nominated to participate in ICES activities? Please contact [email protected].​​​


Want to know more about our members?

The BICEpS community encompasses about 100 Belgian scientists and advisers involved in the work of ICES, contact persons in marine research institutions, universities or ministries and any Belgian scientist willing to join and contribute to the work of ICES. Eighty-five experts are actively taking part to ICES groups in 2020.

If you want to know more about the Belgian ICES experts and BICEpS members, please have a look at the compilation of Mini CV's. Fill out this online survey  and share your field of expertise with the BICEpS community if you want to be included in the next edition. 

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​BICEpS Steering Committee:

Steven Degraer, Kelle Moreau, Marianne Schlesser, Serge Scory (RBINS)

Kris Hostens, Hans Polet, Els Torreele, Sofie Vandendriessche (ILVO)

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