Workshop to evaluate trade-offs between the proportion of impact on seafloor habitats and provisions of catch/value

What are the trade-offs between the impact of fishing on seafloor habitats and what it provides in terms of catch and value?

This workshop takes place 28–31 March and will build on earlier ICES work on an EU request for guidance on how pressure maps of fishing intensity contribute to an assessment of the state of seabed habitats (advice and workshop report).

WKTRADE will explore ways of informing managers on the benefits of a fishery (by weight and/or value) compared to its degree of impact on the seabed (taking into account the frequency of trawling and the ability of the habitat to recover after fishing). These trade-offs will be demonstrated using examples across broad-scale benthic habitats for such regions as the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Celtic Sea.

​WKTRADE will use the outcomes of two previous workshops, WKBENTH (28 February – 3 March 2017) and WKSTAKE​ (23 March 2017), in its work.

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