This workshop, taking place on 23
March 2017, will build on earlier ICES work on an EU request for
guidance on how pressure maps of fishing intensity contribute to an
assessment of the state of seabed habitats (see advice
and workshop report).
Stakeholders will
look into the production of operational guidance on assessment of
benthic pressure and impact from bottom fishing. The workshop will
context within which to evaluate trade-offs between benthic
indicators and fisheries catch
operational challenges of the evaluated indicators
assessment requirements at a regional and cross-regional scale
perceived robustness of any proposed indicator procedures
Stakeholder input
will be used to review the operational relevance of seafloor impact
indicator procedures in WKBENTH (28 February – 3 March 2017).
WKSTAKE will give input to WKTRADE (28 – 31 March 2017) on how to
demonstrate trade-offs between benthic impacts and the landings or
revenue from fisheries.