Global cooperation


Sustainability of marine ecosystems through global knowledge networks

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​SmartNet established a global knowledge network (GKN) for ocean science by strengthening and expanding the collaboration of ICES, PICES and their partner organizations. 

It will support and leverage ICES/PICES member countries' activities related to the UN Decade of Ocean Science​ (UNDOS), by emphasizing areas of mutual research interest including:

  • climate change
  • fisheries and ecosystem-based management
  • social, ecological and environmental dynamics of marine systems
  • coastal communities and human dimensions
  • communication and capacity development

It also incorporates strategies to facilitate UNDOS cross-cutting inclusivity themes relating to gender equality, early career 
engagement, and involvement of indigenous communities and developing nations in the planning and implementing joint activities.

SmartNet events​​​​

Ocean Decade Laboratories: A Productive Ocean, 1 June 2022
Satellite activity: Establishing Global Knowledge Networks in SmartNet

Ocean Decade Conference, 9 April 2024
Satellite activity: What is the ocean we want? SmartNet global Survey to understand perspectives on Ocean Decade Outcomes 
Stay up-to-date on this ​survey: SmartNet Global survey​


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