
ID Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites in Fish and Shellfish Fact sheet

A fact sheet, highlighting the most important facts about the series and collaboration between countries and institutes both in and outside ICES member countries. The statistical information is based on data from 2019.


  • Launched in 1984
  • Series editor: Neil Ruane
  • Number of volumes: 70; 23 ID leaflets since 2010
  • Number of pages: 4–8 pages
  • Impact: ca. 670 views in 2019
  • Produced under the auspices of: Working Group on Pathology and Diseases of Marine Organisms (WGPDMO​)
  • Number of authors: 17; 50% of the reports had 1 author, no report had more than 4 authors
  • Author affiliation by institution: 16 
  • 50% of institutions involved in more than one report    
  • No reports involved more than 3 institutions
  • Author affiliation by country: 10
  • Number of countries involved per report: up to 4​​
  • Main topics:
  • Affected organism: fairly even distribution between diseases of wild fish, cultured fish, and bivalves (molluscs); one leaflet focuses on a marine mammal disease                           
  • ​Causative agent:              
1. Bacteria
2. Protozoa
3. Viruses
4. Nematoda.


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​​Countries involved in producing ID Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites in Fish and Shellfish. Only ICES member countries were affiliated with the production of ID leaflets, indicated with blue. Click to enlarge. Created with ©

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ID Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites in Fish and Shellfish Fact sheet

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