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Press release - International experts assemble in Copenhagen for ecosystem approach workshop

ICES and other partners in the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Support Action (AORA-CSA) as well as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), are participating in the three-day meeting.
Published: 20 January 2016

​The objective is to address key questions and challenges associated with the ecosystem approach to marine management.

Entitled 'Making the ecosystem approach operational', the workshop will be held 20-22 January at the headquarters of the European Environment Agency (EEA). It is organized by ICES, the FAO, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), and the US' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The experts will scope case studies where the ecosystem approach has been adopted. Drawing on these experiences, they will combine scientific knowledge to find solutions to issues currently challenging the management of multiple industry sectors operating in the Atlantic Ocean. The scientific needs for investigating ocean stressors on the ecosystem will also be explored.

ICES plays a key role in supporting the research alliance between the EU, NOAA, and DFO by leading the AORA-CSA work package on the ecosystem approach and ocean stressors. In addition, ICES and FAO, through their memorandum of understanding, develop innovative methods for and solutions to the ecosystem approach.

The workshop is part of the overall process towards enacting the Galway Statement. Signed in 2013, the statement lays down the ecosystem approach and ocean stressors as one of several priority theme areas for transatlantic research cooperation between the EU, the USA, and Canada. The research alliance is designed to foster this cooperation and put it into practice, with a specific focus on the EU's Blue Growth agenda. Work and results from the meeting will feed into the AORA process and eventual implementation of the Galway Statement.​​


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Press release - International experts assemble in Copenhagen for ecosystem approach workshop

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