Press releases

Press release - ICES Annual Science Conference (ASC) to kick off in Copenhagen

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) will hold its Annual Science Conference (ASC) from 21-25 September 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Published: 14 September 2015

​​​​​​​​​​The event, taking place in the DGI Byen conference centre, will see over six hundred scientists, policy-makers, stakeholders, students, and organization representatives descend on the city to discuss and engage with the latest innovative scientific research.

Scientists will present research on a broad spectrum of topics – from ocean acidification and hypoxia to Marine Spatial Planning and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The science will also reflect the wider strategic work being carried out by ICES on climate change, ocean sustainability, and integrated ecosystem understanding.

"We are looking forward to welcoming participants to the ASC – both the first-timers and the well-established," said ICES General Secretary Anne Christine Brusendorff. "It's great that the conference is being hosted in our home city, with the ICES Secretariat having been here for over a hundred years, and Denmark being one of our member countries right from the start. In that time, we've evolved into the organization we are now which deals with broader ecosystem issues and science, including the production of integrated ecosystem assessments. The ASC this year will provide a platform for this important strategic work, with discussions on such assessments as a link between the science and the advice required in applying the ecosystem approach."

The ASC Opening Ceremony is on Monday 21 September at 13:00. Professor Henrik Gislason of The National Institute of Aquatic Resources at Denmark's Technical University (DTU-Aqua) will give an open lecture on understanding patterns in marine species richness.

Journalists are invited to a press event taking place on Monday 21 September at 10:00 in the Kastrup Lufthavn room of the DGI Byen conference centre.

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​P​hoto: Thomas Rousing, Wonderful Copenhagen

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Press release - ICES Annual Science Conference (ASC) to kick off in Copenhagen

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
ICES Secretariat · H. C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46, DK 1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark · Tel: +45 3338 6700 · Fax: +45 3393 4215 · [email protected]
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