Press releases

Press release - ICES Science Fund: supporting innovation in ICES

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) today announced the Call for Proposals for the ICES Science Fund.
Published: 13 January 2015

​​​​​​The DKK 500,000 (EUR 67,000) fund will support innovative projects developed in collaboration with academic and government institutions from ICES member countries, which contribute to attaining the goals of the ICES Strategic Plan

"ICES Science Fund opens the new year and creates new opportunities. We are looking for innovative projects on important issues in marine ecosystems. If you have an idea that supports ICES Science Plan, we are waiting for your proposal," said Yvonne Walther, Chair of the ICES Science Committee (SCICOM).

"Your proposal should have a vision of strengthening the ties between academia and government research institutions.  We warmly welcome scientists that are new to ICES. This is not only a funding opportunity but also a chance to increase your network."

The fund will support up to ten projects with travel and subsistence costs. New criteria stipulates that projects should have a maximum duration of one year and proposals are encouraged to show thematic links to ICES expert groups.

Proposals submitted by scientists in the early stages of their careers will be given priority. The deadline for applications is 10 March 2015 and successful applicants will be informed in May 2015 for immediate implementation of their projects.

To read more, please visit the ICES Science Fund.

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Press release - ICES Science Fund: supporting innovation in ICES

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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