Setting sail
By the end of the year we will say goodbye to two of our colleagues in the Advisory Programme: Claus Hagebro and Barbara Schoute. Claus and Barbara, both professional officers, have been instrumental in assisting and contributing to our work at the ICES Secretariat and in the wider community.
Barbara Schoute joined the team in 2007 tasked with implementing quality assurance in the advisory process. With this goal in mind, she has been diligently looking into and developing the Advisory Reporting Format, overseeing the benchmarking process alongside taking responsibility for the production of specific fisheries advice.
Claus Hagebro, who took up his post at the start of the same year, has been influential in developing environmental advice, overseeing the involvement of ICES in ensuring broader ecosystem considerations. He has also developed many key contacts within the EU Directorate General for the Environment (DG ENV).
Arriving in port
At the start of October, Scott Large became the latest addition to ICES, taking up the position of Advisory Programme Professional Officer. Scott’s main role will be assisting with strengthening the technical and scientific input to various areas of work; specifically, he’ll be helping develop new products and deliverables for integrated advice – as reflected in the Strategic Plan.
Scott comes from Woods Hole Massachusetts, where he was postdoctoral researcher for NOAA-Fisheries and was involved in a number of research projects in support of ecosystem-based management goals in the north-western Atlantic Ocean. With the vital linkage between integrated advice and the ecosystem approach, Scott’s previous experience will prove valuable.
Also on the subject of ecosystems, Mark Dickey-Collas will, from the beginning of December, be coordinating the Secretariat’s environmental and ecosystem related work, ensuring the integration across data, science, and advice necessary for bringing the Strategic Plan into effect. Mark will also be delivering technical and scientific input to specific tasks related to the application of the ecosystem approach.