
Workshop participants wanted

Join short-lived species advisory framework meeting in Sicily in September
Published: 20 June 2017

The workshop to review the ICES advisory framework for short-lived species (WKMSYREF5), including detailed exploration of the use of escapement strategies and forecast methods will take place 11–15 September 2017 in Capo Granitola, Sicily. The workshop presents a formidable and interesting challenge, because the ability to predict on short-lived species is limited in a different way than for longer-lived ones. 

The current ICES maximum sustainable yield (MSY) escapement strategy is strongly dependant on a good understanding of the uncertainties involved, and the workshop will explore whether it is still fit for purpose or whether there are alternative frameworks to consider. Results from the workshop will partly form the basis of evaluations of proposed management strategies for short-lived species, for which ICES has already received requests.

If you would like participate or find out more about the workshop, contact Knut Korsbrekke or José De Oliveira.

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Workshop participants wanted

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