
Working towards a new ICES Strategic Plan 2014–2018 - Outlining Future Work and Identifying Priorities

ICES Bureau, the executive committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, met 26–27 February in Copenhagen. It was the first meeting as Chair for the newly elected ICES President, Paul Connolly (Ireland).
Published: 5 March 2013

The main item on the agenda was the renewal of ICES strategy; including the ICES Strategic Plan and the associated plans for Science, Advice, and Data as well as the Secretariat, the document is planned for publication in 2014.

The aim is to produce a new draft strategic plan for adoption by ICES Council in October.  Great efforts will be made to ensure that the new strategic plan is relevant for ICES scientific community and that it facilitates the provision of best available advisory and data and information services for policy and decision-making. To achieve this goal, the drafting time-schedule includes a period of consultation and review by ICES Council, the wider ICES network, and other relevant organizations, beginning in August.

The Bureau also held a web-conference with Jim Reist, a research scientist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Central and Arctic Region, to identify potential areas for collaboration in the Arctic, taking into account the upcoming Canadian chairmanship of the Arctic Council and the Council’s decision that ICES seek strategic partnerships for scientific contribution to policy-makers amidst a rapidly changing Arctic environment.

Other issues discussed by the Bureau included following up the review of the ICES Advisory Services, developing a risk management framework for ICES, electronic decision making for delegates via e-mail, reviewing the rules for observers at ICES, and updating reports from science, advisory services, data, and the secretariat.

ICES Bureau will meet again in July.

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Bureau group photo (president Paul Connolly at front)

​Bureau group at ICES Secretariat (president Paul Connolly front left)

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Working towards a new ICES Strategic Plan 2014–2018 - Outlining Future Work and Identifying Priorities

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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