
Call for workshop participants to find solutions to reductions of survey effort

Survey and stock assessment scientists are invited to participate in a workshop investigating challenges and responses to reductions of survey effort.
Published: 29 June 2018

The Workshop on Unavoidable Survey Effort Reduction (WKUSER) takes place 14-18 January 2019 at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Survey programmes are often asked to make substantial short-term changes to their operations because of budget reductions, weather, or vessel breakdowns and unavailability. These effort reductions may compromise the long-term objectives of the surveys in terms of accuracy and consistency of population estimation. Often little time is left for planning and evaluation, thus, there is a real need to develop methods that provide a better understanding of the risks of different options for carrying out surveys.

Participants at this workshop will examine methods that can minimize the amount of information loss caused by survey effort reduction. They will also seek appropriate methods for implementing changes in survey design and objectives. These tools will assist survey scientists in making better decisions when unexpected events cause changes, to facilitate better contingency planning, and to convey the likely consequences to assessment scientists and policy-makers.

The organizers of the workshop are looking for both, survey and stock assessment scientists to participate in the workshop. For more information contact the Co-Chair Stan Kotwicki.

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Call for workshop participants to find solutions to reductions of survey effort

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