
Developing reference point proxies for data-limited stocks

Fifth ICES Workshop on the Development of Quantitative Assessment Methodologies based on Life-history traits, exploitation characteristics and other relevant parameters for the ICES Data-limited Stocks takes place in Portugal.
Published: 9 October 2015
​​A diversity of expertise from both sides of the Atlantic has gathered in Lisbon this week for the fifth session of ICES WKLIFE. Teams from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, DTU Aqua, IMARES, Ifremer, CEFAS, IPMA, Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Marine Institute Ireland, Faroe Marine Research Institute, and Marine Scotland are addressing a request from the EU to develop reference point proxies for data-limited stocks in the Western Waters​ (ICES areas V–X).  The EU is developing management plans for data-limited stocks in Western Waters and reference point proxies will provide context for decision-making regarding the status of the fishery and the stock. 

In 2012, ICES provided the first quantitative advice on data-limited stocks in the ICES area. The methods developed at WKLIFE V this week will be used by WKProxy when they meet in November. WKproxy (ICES Workshop on FMSY proxies for Data Poor Stocks in Western Waters) will apply the methods to the Western Waters stocks and advice will be released in December. 

​An explanation of the ICES data limited stock approach is described in chapter 1 of the General context for IC​ES advice.​ 

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​WKLIFE V participants in Lisbon, Portugal.Click to enlarge.

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Developing reference point proxies for data-limited stocks

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