
The European Commission and ICES to work more closely on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

At a working group meeting on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in Brussels this week, the European Commission announced that it will involve ICES more closely into the technical/scientific support to the MSFD implementation.
Published: 8 March 2013

​​​ICES has already received a request to help in the preparation of a workshop 9-10 April in Brussels, where ICES work relevant to the Descriptors for Biodiversity, Food webs, and Sea floor integrity (three of the eleven official descriptors of Good Environmental Status) will be presented. More requests are to come.

This supports ICES strategic wish to back the development and implementation of the MSFD. To that end ICES last year established a Council Working Group to support and coordinate ICES MSFD related activities within focus areas such as indicators, development of assessments tools, models, integrated monitoring, and integrated ecosystem assessments.

ICES is following and supporting the development in the Regional Seas Conventions and is for the moment reviewing and assessing a set of biodiversity indicators developed by Oslo/Paris convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR). Representatives of the Regional Seas Conventions will be invited to participate in the ICES Council Steering group in order to further strengthen the coordination and cooperation.

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The European Commission and ICES to work more closely on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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