
Take the ASC into your own hands with smartphone app

Download a comprehensive digital guide to this year's five-day marine science conference for your mobile gadget.
Published: 12 September 2014

Travel arrangements have been made, presenters put in place and the schedule finalized. Now, with 2014's Annual Science Conference in A Coruña on the horizon, information on all participating speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors as well as the programme and a floor plan of the Palexco Congress and Exhibition Centre, is available as part of the specially-designed Grupio Conference App.

In addition to helping you navigate your way between events and sessions, the application will also let you share your observations, updates, and photos through Facebook and Twitter channels, the latter using the #ICES_ASC handle.

To download the app free of charge for your iPhone or iPad simply search for 'Grupio' and then for 'ASC' once you're within the app. Android users can gain access in a similar way through the Android Market whilst those with handset models from Nokia, Blackberry, and others, can visit our mobile website.

Once you've got the app up and running, you can search by session (track) or by day (all sessions).

Download the app and make the most of ASC 2014!

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​screenshot of the conference app

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Take the ASC into your own hands with smartphone app

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