
Are you a TAF user? Why not?

Have your say in improving ICES Transparent Assessment Framework.
Published: 18 June 2021

The Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) was launched in 2018 as an online open resource of ICES stock assessments for each assessment year. All data input and output is fully traceable and versioned, which means users can easily find, reference, download, and run an assessment from any stage of the process that leads to published ICES Advice for a given stock. Overall, the framework brings greater transparency to the stock assessment process.

The Working Group on Transparent Assessment Framework Governance (WGTAFGOV) are responsible for overseeing the development of user guidance and training for TAF and are now seeking user feedback

They are asking users and potential users to  identify hurdles they face in using the tool, what benefits the framework brings to their assessment work, and what improvements could be implemented.

TAF makes it easier to share workloads, document code, and automate assessment runs. However, if you are a stock coordinator or assessor and you are not using TAF, are there barriers that you face? Should there be more training provided or are there technical issues? 

You can now have your say on how TAF develops by answering a short survey. The​​ survey will take no longer than 4 minutes and your feedback is important.

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