
Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment visits ICES headquarters

The Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment, Mr. Richard Lochhead MSP (Member of Scottish Parliament) paid a visit to ICES Secretariat on 22 August.
Published: 25 August 2013

​As part of a meeting involving ICES General Secretary Anne Christine Brusendorff and Head of Advisory Programme, Poul Degnbol, Mr. Lochhead discussed several issues related to ICES role as provider of the science and advice that go towards ensuring the sustainable use of our oceans.

Mr. Lochhead pointed especially to the importance of involving fishermen, both in the development of the science and when explaining the basis for advice given. He stressed the importance of outreach and communication, acknowledging the scientific role of ICES and the need to have a scientific basis for policy discussions.  He also informed about initiatives in Scotland that have been set up to enhance dialogue and improve the knowledge base for fisheries management.

The meeting also included a conversation on how ICES has developed transparency and dialogue with stakeholders, and all present agreed on the meetings' usefulness in promoting communication and dialogue between policy makers and scientists, and to support even better informed decision-making in future.​

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​ICES General Secretary Anne Christine Brusendorff and Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment Mr. Richard Lochhead at the ICES Secretariat

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Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Environment visits ICES headquarters

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