
Report on Ocean Climate 2014 published

Report collating and presenting data on physical properties of the ocean in the North Atlantic region now available in our online library.
Published: 11 April 2016

​​​ICES Report on Ocean Climate, known as the IROC and published annually as part of the Cooperative Research Report (CRR) series, provides the very latest information on the state of both the surface and deep ocean across the ICES areas of the North Atlantic and Nordic seas during 2013 and 2014. The longest time-series are used to give the best possible overview of oceanic change. In the case of the North Atlantic, these are the result of repeated and well-established data collection at a large number of locations.

Primarily, the IROC focuses on temperature and salinity measurements, but additional datasets on aspects such as sea level pressure, air temperature, and ice cover, are given in places. Whilst most of the content covers the upper thousand metres of the ocean, one section is dedicated to the variability of the intermediate and deep North Atlantic waters. 

The report is compiled by the Working Group on Ocean Hydrography (WGOH), and represents an encyclopaedia of knowledge collected by many experts and institutions through decades of observations.

Much of the data that forms the bedrock of the report can be visualized and downloaded through an interactive online application which allows users to explore aggregated data at each of 57 points across the ICES area.

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Report on Ocean Climate 2014 published

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