
Recognize an inspiring colleague with ICES Awards!

Do you know a colleague or expert group co-member whose scientific work over his or her recent career deserves to be recognized? Then nomination for prestigious ICES awards is now just a mouse click away!
Published: 26 February 2014

​​​​​​​​​​​Each year a range of honors are bestowed on those scientists who've made standout contributions to both ICES operations and the wider world of marine science. Now, the ICES Awards Committee is soliciting nominations for the two most renowned: the Outstanding Achievement Award and, this year, the Prix d'Excellence.

The Prix d'Excellence, usually presented every third year, marks an individual's exceptional efforts in the field of marine science. Whether involved in ICES activities or not, the nominee will have provided valuable input into work on the sustained use and conservation of marine ecosystems through research and (scientific) leadership.

On the other hand, candidates for the annual Outstanding Achievement Award must come from within the ICES community, though they will have exhibited the same sustained commitment to excellence over the course of their careers, usually at least 15 years.

As well as acknowledging special contributions, the awards process also helps build bridges in the scientific community.

"Giving awards is a link between generations and is also fun," explained incoming Chair of ICES Awards Committee Pierre Petitgas. "Scientists at an early stage in their career will be interested to learn more from and about their elders, who have progressed and structured the science as it is today, and the more experienced scientists will be glad and perhaps impressed to be acknowledged for their work."

Nominees will be selected by the Awards Committee based on a large set of criteria including achievements, commitments, innovation in science and management, and impacts on advice.

Both peer-nominated awards will be presented to their respective winners at 2014's Annual Science Conference in A Coruña, Spain, and the deadline for nomination is 15 April. 

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Above: Carlos Duarte picks up the Prix d'Excellence at the ASC 2011 in Gdańsk​, Poland;  Below: Odd Nakken receives the Outstanding Contribution Award at the ASC 2013 in Reykjavík, Iceland.

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Recognize an inspiring colleague with ICES Awards!

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