
Nordic Council of Ministers meet about multispecies management

The challenges facing both science and management in making the transition from single species to multispecies fisheries management was the subject of a recent ICES and Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) workshop held in Copenhagen.
Published: 8 March 2013

​​​​Members of the ICES/NCM Workshop on Technical Guidelines for Multispecies Management arrived at Copenhagen’s historic Carlsberg Academy on 27 February for a day-long programme involving presentations by several key speakers and open discussions on a range of points such as the potential need for multispecies management, development of the Integrated Ecosystem in ICES, and whether there’s a need for multispecies management and advice in other parts of the world other than the ICES and EU areas, amongst others.

Seven presentations were made over the course of the day which, although taking into account a more global perspective, generally focussed on the Northeast Atlantic area and the Baltic.

The ultimate aim of the initiative is to compile a Guidance Document for a worldwide audience mainly for data rich fisheries. A draft had been prepared beforehand by a Core Group of 5 experts consisting of Bjarte Bogstad, IMR, Norway; Anna Rindorff, DTU Aqua; Yvonne Walther, SLU, Sweden; Jörn Schmidt, Christian Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany; and Stuart Reeves, DG Mare, Belgium. The Core Group had also convened a day before the work​shop at ICES Secretariat to discuss and finalize agenda items and the content of presentations. It will use the results of and input from the meeting in order to finalize the Guidance Document.

Anna Rindorff, from the Section for Ecosystem Based Marine Management at DTU Aqua, reflected on the meeting: “All of it went pretty well. Usually it’s really difficult to get managers into the room so this was a really good opportunity to get them there and to talk to them. This is one thing that made it different from other stakeholder engagement activities. It was special to have so many managers and get a different view on it. Where we often discuss the quality of our models, the managers think more about how they can actually be used in practice and what problems they will give. So it’s a bit of a different angle.”

The workshop, attended by 42 scientists, managers, and stakeholders, was very successful, with a broad range of input and ideas contributing to a lively and purposeful exchange of views. Chaired by ICES Ecosystem Professional Office Mark Dickey-Collas, talks were given by Eskild Kirkegaard, DTU Aqua and Ye Yimin, FAO, Italy as well as Stuart Reeves, Anna Rindorff, Bjarte Bogstad, Jörn Schmidt, and Yvonne Walther.

A kind thank you is extended to the NCM and its Swedish Chairmanship for funding the initiative.

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Nordic Council of Ministers meet about multispecies management

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