
Nominate your colleague for the Outstanding Achievement Award

The call for nominations for the ICES Outstanding Achievement Award is now open. Deadline for submissions is 1 May 2018.
Published: 12 March 2018

​​The Outstanding Achievement Award recognizes a member of the ICES community who has made ongoing important contributions to ICES in the field of marine science over a sustained period of time. This year we are particularly encouraging nominations for mid-career scientists for this award.

Nominations can be made online by 1 May 2018. The award will be presented at the 2018 Annual Science Conference (ASC) in Hamburg, Germany. The winner is expected to be able to attend the ASC to receive the award at the opening ceremony on 24 September, and to engage in networking and mentoring of young scientists.

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Nominate your colleague for the Outstanding Achievement Award

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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