
Introducing the new Chair of Science Committee

Jörn Schmidt will be charting the course of ICES science for the next three years as the new Chair of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM).
Published: 3 August 2020

​​​​​​​​​​Jörn comes to ICES from Kiel University in Germany, where he has been the group leader for the research group Marine Food Security at the Center for Ocean and Society​. He is a familiar face in ICES community, and has been actively involved with our work for nearly two decades​. Most recently, he's been the German member of SCICOM and served as a Chair for the Strategic Initiative on the Human Dimension (SIHD)​. 

Jörn began his three-year term as SCICOM Chair on 1 August 2020. We asked him about his thoughts on the new position and the organization.

What are you looking forward to the most in your new position?
One thing that really interests me is bringing people and ideas together, thus do not hesitate to contact me to discuss how I can do better.​

I also really look forward to working with and for all the people in ICES. Working with the national representatives in SCICOM, the Steering Group Chairs, Strategic Initiative Chairs and Operational Group Chairs to further develop the science and to support all scientists in the community. To work with my counterpart in the Advisory Committee (ACOM), Mark Dickey-Collas, ACOM Vice Chairs and ACOM members, the Council, and to work with all the people in the Secretariat. 

And, of course, I look forward to moving to Copenhagen!
What are the biggest challenges you foresee?
The biggest challenges are probably the ones that we all face every day and which are not directly to do with science and ICES. For ICES science, the current COVID-19 pandemic is likely the biggest challenge at the moment; to carry out the science and to meet with our peers. However, we have also seen that this challenge drives a lot of innovation and I expect to see some of these innovations to positively influence the way in which we will work together in the future.
How do you see ICES position in the world of marine science and advice?
ICES is a unique organization at the interface of science and advice as well as a unique network of people. Which other organization has this vast landscape of expert groups that produce and synthesize science?
Do you have any greetings for ICES community?
Dear ICES community, many may know me and many not yet. If we believe the official numbers, then there are more than 5000 of you out there. Probably many more. I am looking forward to working for and with you all and to interacting with you in one way or the other. It will be an honor and a pleasure! I wish all of you the best in these challenging times, stay safe!

Finally, how would you promote ICES science in one tweet?

Join the greatest science network, meet peers, and see your science grow and being shared!

The Science Committee (SCICOM) oversees all ICES scientific work. Read more about our scientific priorities in our Science Plan.
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​​​​​​​​Jörn​ Schmidt, new SCICOM Chair.

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Introducing the new Chair of Science Committee

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