CRR number 333 – 'Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in Marine Spatial Planning' – covers contributions made and feedback from the joint ICES/PICES theme session of the same name at the 2012 Annual Science Conference in Bergen, Norway.
Marine spatial planning is seen as a key tool for dealing with real and perceived conflicting uses, the development of sustainable spatial use patterns in marine areas, and achieving environmental targets such as good environmental status under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Supporting management by bringing together ecosystem and socio-economic knowledge, MSP is embedded in many coastal and marine policies.
Topics featured in the CRR range from different approaches to MSP – from those which span disciplines to natural and social-science based ones – to interactions between human activities, socio-economic drivers, and ecosystem changes. Discussion points raised for each are also provided.