
Interact with InterCatch

Register for March workshop on web-based data application InterCatch
Published: 11 February 2016

​​Taking place 16-17 March at the ICES Secretariat in Copenhagen, the workshop is aimed primarily at ICES stock coordinators, although it is also open to data submitters and working group chairs. Participation is recommended for those coordinators who have no previous experience with InterCatch. 

Created to ease data handling, standardize calculations, and remove errors, InterCatch is a central hub for stock assessment data from the Northeast Atlantic that goes on to form the basis for ICES advice. This year, most stock assessment working groups will issue a data call, and all stock assessments that can draw on data from InterCatch will do so. 

The workshop will cover a number of topics including importing, extracting, and viewing data, discard raising, comparing data with those from a previous year, setting up allocations for unsampled catches, and selecting weighting algorithms. 

Participants are expected to bring their own catch data in the InterCatch format. Data can be changed into this format using a conversion tool on the InterCatch homepage.​​​ 

To register for the workshop, send an emai​​​​​l to Henrik Kjems-Nielsen at the ICES Secretariat, specifying whether you'd like to participate in person or through Skype. The deadline for signing up is Wednesday 9 March. 

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Interact with InterCatch

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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