
ICES publications moving into fresh waters

As part of the stream of ICES output, a raft of scientific literature quietly goes about illuminating the work done by the organization. Several changes are now afoot for ICES publications, instigated by ICES Publications and Communications Group, PUBCOM.
Published: 5 May 2014

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The publications limb of ICES reaches back almost as far as the organization itself, to 1903, when the inaugural 'ICES Marine Science Symposia' was issued. Since then, from the Cooperative Research Report (CRR) and Techniques in Marine Environmental Science (TIMES) series, Series of ICES Survey Protocols (SISP), and Identification (ID) Leaflet series to the multiannual Zooplankton Status Report and ICES Report on Ocean Climate, the library of publications has grown to cater for the huge variety of scientific disciplines and interests both within ICES network and also the marine science community.

ICES Publications and Communications Group (PUBCOM) as well as the Oxford University Press-published ICES Journal of Marine Science (IJMS) are now set to break new ground with a number of fresh initiatives – stemming from the resolutions of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM) – aimed at boosting visibility and outreach. 

​1. Phasing out hardcopy printing

PUBCOM has made the decision to phase out printing of a significant portion of ICES publications in 2015, and is currently working on a strategy through which to accomplish this​​​. Despite a chunk of production costs being spent on design, ICES can still save a substantial amount of money by continuing to make the switch from print to electronic.

It is important to note that, while ICES is moving away from print, it is not moving away from publishing, and the online publication of reports provides even more opportunities for promotion and dissemination of research.

One step on this journey was the introduction of the electronic iPapers. The first such publication was the ICES Strategic Plan, later followed by ICES Popular Advice, with the format proving particularly suitable in terms of the colourful presentation (reflective of ICES new website design) and user-friendly, interactive elements. Annual Science Conference (ASC) material and the ICES Annual Report could also benefit from this in the future. ​

2. Social media

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter will undeniably play a pivotal future role in the dissemination of scientific material and issues throughout ICES community and beyond into the wider world of marine science, to stakeholders, and the general public.

Building on the existing activity of those associated with ICES across the three platforms, PUBCOM is now fostering increased use of social media and in particular Twitter. This will happen not just in relation to the ASC but also more generally to communicate ICES science and events. One such example is encouraging participants and conveners of ASC Theme Sessions as well as authors of IJMS manuscripts to tweet 140-character summaries of their work.​

​3. Annual Science Conference Open Sessions

There will be two new events at this year's ASC in A Coruña. On the Wednesday, an Open Session on Big Data will take place, forming an arena for areas of mutual interest between data and publications. Lasting around two hours, the meeting will include keynote speakers from within and outside ICES, a panel discussion, and hands-on demonstrations.

The wheels are also in motion for an ICES Journal of Marine Science 'Meet the Editors' session. Here, an informal get-together would give attendees the opportunity to ask the Editors questions about the journal, its content, and its publication. It is a valuable chance for new, as well as more experienced authors, potential reviewers, and symposia conveners to gain a deeper understanding of the ICES Journal of Marine Science. ​


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ICES publications moving into fresh waters

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