
Learning stock assessment

​​​Last week we organized a training course on stock assessments. We spoke with two participants and asked them what they had learned during the week.
Published: 9 December 2016

​​​​​​​​​​Ana Justel ​(right), International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), USA

How did you hear about this course?

Several colleagues had already attended ​this workshop. They were very satisfied with it, and recommended that I participate.

Why did you decide to attend?

After a few years working in fisheries management, I decided to become a PhD student.

Could you explain what you did?

We have been working with datasets and all the steps needed for stock assessment methods​ and understanding how the process works.

Was it relevant for your work?

Yes, it was. I have to attend many scientific meetings, so this course can help me to have a better understanding of the discussions.

What did you like best or find most useful?

I really appreciate working on practical exercises and not only theoretical ones.

Would you be interested in attending another course with ICES? Which topic would you be interested in?

Yes, specifically the management s​trategies evaluation workshop.



Alejandro Yanez, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP), Chile

How did you hear about this course?

Last year I took a course that I had seen on the website.

Why did you decide to attend?

Because it is very important and necessary. It has given me a lot of tools that I use every day. I am already working with stock assessment so I would like to go into it in depth.

Could you explain in few words what you did?

We analyzed the fish population, studied the stock assessment model, and used new software (TMB).

Was it relevant for your work?

Yes, a lot.

What did you like best or find most useful?

I really appreciated the availability of the teachers, they were very close to the participants.

Would you be interested in attending another course with ICES? Which topic would you be interested in?

Yes. I would be interested in the management strategies valuation workshop.​

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​Ana Justel, ISSF

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Learning stock assessment

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