
Call for nominations for Outstanding Achievement award

Do you know someone who has contributed immeasurably to ICES work over the last 15 years? If you feel a person’s contribution has been special, then why not consider putting them forward for the Outstanding Achievement Award?
Published: 8 March 2013

​​ICES is truly fortunate to be comprised of numerous ambitious, talented, and dedicated individuals, all of whom play their part in the organization's ongoing work and the development of scientific knowledge and advice. Each year, in appreciation of this, ICES Awards recognize those who've made standout contributions to both ICES operations and the wider marine science world. That could mean either a colleague or working group member without whom noteworthy scientific work couldn't have been conducted or someone whose influence, leadership, or inspiration deserves to be acknowledged.

Although there are several award categories, the ICES Recognition Programme is now soliciting nominations for the two most prestigious and renowned accolades: the Outstanding Achievement Award and the ICES Prix d'Excellence. The Outstanding Achievement Award, which will be presented during a ceremony in September at the ICES Annual Science Conference in Reykjavik, is awarded annually and always goes to someone within the ICES community. The Prix d'Excellence winner, however, can be from the broader field of marine science and is generally only awarded every three years. The Prix d'Excellence will next be presented in 2014.

Historically, both peer-nominated awards have come to represent a reflection of the highest level of achievement for recipients who are among the most deserved and esteemed people in their field.

You may nominate someone for either of the two awards. The ICES Awards Committee, in order to encourage nominations, has simplified the nomination process, meaning that the form requires no more than a name and a few sentences about the person being proposed.

Outstanding Achievement

Awarded annually, the Outstanding Achievement Award recognizes a person whose career has been marked by a continued high level of commitment to excellence in science, research, and leadership. The nominee will have made contributions to ICES in the field of marine science or management over at least a period of 15 years.

Prix d'Excellence

This award recognizes a scientist who has made extraordinary contributions to marine science. Although nominees need not be active participants in ICES work or activities, their work will be relevant. The nominee will have provided valuable input into work on the sustained use and conservation of marine ecosystems through their research and (scientific) leadership. The Prix d'Excellence is normally awarded every three years.

The deadline for nominations for this year's Outstanding Achievement Award is 15 April 2013; for the Prix d'Excellence, nominations are due by 15 April 2014. Persons previously nominated are fully eligible to be reconsidered for both awards. Award recipients will have their respective travel costs to the Annual Science Conference (ASC) covered that year to ensure their presence when receiving the awards and will also have future ASC registration fees waived.

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Call for nominations for Outstanding Achievement award

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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