
Call for Abstracts now open for ECSC 2017

The third ICES/PICES  Early Career Scientist Conference takes place 30 May - 2 June 2017 in Busan, Korea.

Call for Abstracts is now open.
Published: 21 June 2016

Absctract contributions are sought for sessions under three themes: 

  • Climate effects on physical, chemical and biological processes
  • Anthropogenic effects on the marine environment
  • Patterns and processes in marine ecosystems

Applicants for the conference must be under 35 years in age or have completed a PhD since 2012.

The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) will evaluate the applications and invite successful candidates to attend the conference.  Scientists from developing countries are especially encouraged to apply. 

Abstract submission deadline: 28 September 2016

Go to the symposium website for more detailed information.

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Call for Abstracts now open for ECSC 2017

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