
Attracting a new generation of scientists to ICES

'What on Earth is ICES?' was a question Finnish Council Delegates set about answering at a Helsinki seminar this week as they introduced ICES to a new generation of Finnish marine scientists and administrators.
Published: 19 March 2014

The event, entitled "110 year of marine science! What on Earth is ICES?" included information and facts about ICES and highlighted the benefits of working within the organization's community. The key role of ICES Expert Groups as principal contributors to science and advice was emphasized, and the audience was also introduced to the ICES training programme. Neil Holdsworth, the Head of ICES Data Centre, also participated, giving a presentation on ICES marine data services.

During the discussions many concerns were raised about young scientists' possibilities to participate in ICES work and training courses in the future due to the heavy economic constraints of national laboratories. It was pointed out that international cooperation is the solution to gaining benefits and keeping costs under control.

The seminar, organized by the Finnish Council Delegates along with ACOM and SCICOM members and Expert Group Chairs, took place at the House of Estates in the centre of the Finnish capital city on Tuesday, 18 March.

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​The seminar took place at the House of Estates in Helsinki, Finland.

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Attracting a new generation of scientists to ICES

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