
A year in review

ICES Annual Report 2017 now published.
Published: 19 June 2018

​​​​​​​​​​The publication looks back on the key activities of the organization ​​in 2017 –​ ​​from scientific publications and conferences to work relating to aquaculture, climate change, and impact of fishing. It showcases how ICES has continued to gather momentum in a number of crucial scientific and advisory areas as well as explore new horizons of cooperation and engagement.

"During 2017 we fostered our role as a provider of scientific advice to managers and kept busy responsing to client requests for advice related to catch opportunities and environmental aspects," notes ICES General Secretary Anne Christine Brusendorff.

ICES Annual Report 2017​ is now available to view and download.

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A year in review

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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