Integrated Ecosystem Assessments Steering Group

Integrated Ecosystem Assessments synthesise and evaluate information on physical, chemical, ecological, human and environmental process affecting ecosystems.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This Steering Group is responsible for guiding and supporting Expert Groups that develop ecosystem modelling and assessment methods, contribute to state of the environment reporting and underpin guidance on meeting ecological, social and economic objectives.

Topics covered include:

  • Development of integrated ecosystem assessments for the Arctic, Baltic, Barents, Celtic, North, Greenland, Northern Bering-Chukchi, northwest Atlantic and Norwegian seas, the Azores, Bay of Biscay, and Iberian Coast
  • Comparative analyses of marine ecosystems
  • Ecosystem modelling
  • Methods and application of ecosystem-based management and risk assessment
  • Linking ecological, economic and social models and analyses to understand interactions and trade-offs between management objectives
  • Defining data needs to support integrated ecosystem assessment
  • Development of integrated advice to support ecosystem-based management
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