Workshop on Regional Seas Commissions and Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Scoping

Dates: 17-20 November 2014
Venue: ICES Headquaters, Denmark

​​​​​​​​​The Workshop on Regional Seas Commissions and Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Scoping will have two main objectives; first to summarise progress made and methods used across the ICES integrated ecosystem assessment (IEA) groups and second to scope with OSPAR and HELCOM the science needs for upcoming regional assessments (QSR and HOLAS). The aim of these objectives is to provide the IEA groups with a panorama of their work across the scope of regional seas commissions (RSC) activities. The workshop will also provide a forum to build a timeline for IEA work, in response to the scoping exercise. The four day workshop will take place in two phases; the first 2 days will synthesise the work of the IEA groups and the following 2 days will focus on the scoping exercise between ICES and the RSCs. This workshop follows on from WKBEMIA 2012; the "benchmarking" workshop of integrated ecosystem assessments. It supports the IEA groups for the next round of development and provides two products, a cross comparison of methods used and being developed by the IEA groups and a scoping exercise of the science needs of OSPAR and HELCOM in preparation for the next QSR and HOLAS rounds.​​​​​

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