Workshop on Northeast Atlantic mackerel monitoring and methodologies including science and industry involvement

The Workshop on Northeast Atlantic Mackerel Monitoring and Methodologies including Science and Industry Involvement (WKNAMMM) evaluated potential fisheries contributions to data collection and new survey methodologies for Northeast Atlantic Mackerel.

The Workshop met from 25 February to 1 March 2013 and was divided into two events. On 25 February, members convened for an industry-science workshop at the ICES secretariat in Copenhagen to assess what fisheries could offer in terms of data collection for Northeast Atlantic Mackerel, and from 26 February to 1 March WKNAMMM headed to the Danish coastal town of Hirtshals to experiment with and evaluate new survey methodologies for the species.

The ICES Headquarters workshop comprised of representatives of fishing industries of all coastal states (EU, Iceland, Norway, the Faroe Islands, and Russia) as well as experts on science-industry partnerships, survey techniques, and stock assessment and advice. For the Hirsthals workshop, WKNAMMM was joined by experts on new surveys for stock assessment and advice survey techniques, and gear properties as well as representatives from mackerel fishing industries.

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Members of WKNAMMM at work in Hirtshals, Denmark

​Members of WKNAMMM performing experiments at a flume tank in Hirtshals, Denmark

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