Workshop on operational EwE models to inform IEAs

​​Ecosystem models have become a widely used tool for ICES IEA groups in the last years. WGEAWESS and WGIAB in particular use these models for analyzing the dynamics of different ecosystems on the Baltic Sea, the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay and Iberian waters ecoregions and the effects of (mainly) fishing on them. But it is acknowledged that there are other natural and anthropogenic pressures that are affecting marine ecosystems, and they need to be taken into account to adequately inform IEAs in these regions. 
WKEWIEA, chaired by Maria Angeles Torres (Spain), Maciej Tomczak (Sweden) and Eider Andonegi (Spain), will meet in Barcelona, Spain, on 26-30 November 2018 to:

a ) Explore the practicalities of integrating information from existing Ecopath with Ecosim and Ecospace models;

b ) Explore their utility towards informing IEA in ICES areas – explore their potential to inform ICES products such as the Ecosystem Overviews, as an integral part of the ecosystem advice.

The workshop will be opened, but the forum will be limited to 20-25 participants
Please contact [email protected] or the ICES Secretariat for more information. 

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