The Workshop to address the NASCO request for advice on possible effects of salmonid aquaculture on wild Atlantic salmon populations in the North Atlantic


  1. Identify the possible effects of salmonid aquaculture on wild Atlantic salmon populations, focusing on the effects of sea lice, genetic interactions and the impact on wild salmon production.
  2. Based on the issues identified in 1:
    1. Update the findings of the 2005 ICES/NASCO symposium (LINK) on the impacts of aquaculture.
    2. Update of the 2014 ICES advice provided to OSPAR (ICES, 2014),
    3. Prepare the first draft of the advice to address the NASCO request.

WKCULEF will report by 11 March, 2016 for the attention of the Advisory Committee.

* NASCO will hold a Theme-based Special Session on the topic of developments in relation to minimizing the impacts of farmed salmon on wild salmon stocks and the advice will provide a very useful input to that process.

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