Publications and Communications Group

The Publications and Communications Group (PUBCOM) is an operational group under the Science Committee. It meets annually at the Annual Science Conference.

The Publications and Communications Group (PUBCOM) is, as the name suggests, chiefly concerned with the publication and communication of ICES science.  On behalf of the Science Committee (SCICOM) the group meets at the Annual Science Conference to discuss ICES publications and make recommendations on future publications to SCICOM. All Category 1 resolutions are presented to PUBCOM for recommendation to SCICOM for approval. PUBCOM maintains an overview of these important sources of information and, when appropriate, advises the ICES Secretariat on its publication activities, offering recommendations on ways to make publications more effective in:

  • Reflecting essential ICES aims and programmes;
  • Representing the Council's work to those outside immediate ICES circles;
  • Fulfilling their potential as strong and valuable assets for the Council;
  • Keeping pace with changing scientific and communication needs.

Publications are explicitly at the heart of the function of ICES, as emphasized by Article 1, Section c of the 1964 Convention:

It shall be the duty of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea…
c) to publish or otherwise disseminate the results of research and investigations carried out under its auspices or to encourage the publication thereof.

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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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