SCICOM/ACOM Benchmark Steering Group

Communicating science to advisory services

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Benchmark Steering Group (BSG) has a vital function in ensuring the effective transfer and application of innovative and relevant science into sound, credible, and responsive advice. The benchmarking process is promoted at all levels as the most effective approach to develop science into recurrent advice. This establishes a quality-controlled, science–advisory communication mechanism.

Implementing a benchmarking process that is innovative, dynamic, and achieves significant engagement is the goal of BSG. ACOM and SCICOM, together with the ICES Secretariat, identify concepts, methodologies, models and data relevant to the benchmarking process.

BSG advises on strategies to attract new scientists into the ICES benchmarking process, advertises in international networks, and develops a publication scheme of benchmarking results (with the Publications and Communications Group, PUBCOM). It is also envisaged to engage with research funding agencies and academia to ensure that new science is incorporated into the advisory process.

The benchmarking process is based on a rigorous, independent peer review built on the expertise of stock and ecosystem assessments EGs utilising the best international scientific networks and management partners.

Communicating science to advisory services in the ICES context

  • advancing the ICES benchmarking process to include ecosystem and ecosystem subcomponent assessments
  • developing regional ecosystem benchmarks
  • defining a clear roadmap with an achievable timetable to manage the benchmarking process
  • developing performance measures for BSGs work
  • evaluating the effectiveness of the benchmarking process
  • developing evaluation measures for the incorporation of available science in ICES assessments and advic​e​

ICES has five Steering Groups (SSGs), which provide a home for our Expert Groups. The membership of each SSG consists of a the chairs of the Expert Groups affiliated to the SSG, plus an SSG Chair. The SSGs manage the science portfolio and ensure that delivery is coordinated and driven by the needs of the ICES Implementation Plan, as well as by bottom-up developments.

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