Advice release dates

Advice is released at 12:00 (CET) on the following dates in 2024​:


Release date


Requested by

​23 February

​Advice on identifying operational indicators and defining usable threshold values (reference points) for criterion D3C3 under MSFD Decision (EU) 2017/848


29 February
Advice on sandeel
EU, Norway, UK
​20 March
Roadmap for possible conservation measures for Bothnian and central Baltic herring advice
​8 April
​Appropriate bycatch monitoring systems at Member State level and on regional coordination 
​18  April

​​Advice on English Channel, North Sea and 3.a sprat, and request on harvest control rules for a management plan for Icelandic summer-spawning herring​ 
​​EU, Norway, UK, Iceland​
​30 April
Ecosystem overviews with integrated benthic seafloor assessments​
8 May
​​Advice on North Atlantic salmon
31 May
Advice on Baltic Sea fish stocks
EU, Norway, UK
​31 May
​Advice on remedial measures in subdivisions 29N and 30 to protect the Ljungan salmon stock
​31 May
​Updated advice for Sole (Solea solea) in Division 7.a (Irish Sea)
7 June
​​Advice on deep-water fish stocks​​EU, Iceland, NEAFC, Norway, ​UK
7 June
Advice on Arctic and North-Western fish stocks
EU, Iceland, NEAFC, Norway, UK
​7 June
​​Advice on Pandalus in Divisions IIIa and IVa East​
​EU, Norway, UK
​14 June
​Aquaculture Overviews
21 June
​Advice on Southern horse mackerel and anchovy
28 June
Advice on Bay of Biscay and Iberian coast, Celtic Seas, and North Sea fish stocksEU, Norway, UK
​29 August
​Technical Service concerning alternative measures to prevent bycatch of the harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea​
​18 September
​ Advice on vulnerable marine ecosystems
30 September
​Advice on widely distributed stocks
​EU, NEAFC, Norway, UK
4 October

​​Advice on elasm​obranchs
​EU, NEAFC, Norway, UK
11 October
​​Advice on Norway pout​EU, Norway, UK
​31 October
Bay of Biscay, Celtic Sea and North Sea Norway lobster, and Rockall megrim
​EU, Norway, UK
​1 November
​​Advice on eel
​​EU, Norway, UK

​​Advice on mixed fisheries
​​EU, UK

​​Advice on Faroese stocks
​​NEAFC, Faroe Islands
​19 November
​​Fisheries overviews
​26 November
​​​​Ecosystem overviews​
10 December

​Bycatch advice
11 December
​Advice on Bay of Biscay anchovy and sardine

​​ICES advice is in response to requests from competent authorities as described in various cooperation documents and special requests. Read the full list of cooperation agreements.

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Advice release dates

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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