Ecosystem overviews

Faroes Ecoregion: Cephalopods

​The most common cephalopod species in the Faroes ecoregion are the squids Loligo forbesi and Todarodes sagittatus.

L. forbesi is commonly found on the Faroe Bank all year, where it both grows and reproduces. The main spawning period is in April–May although spawning on a smaller scale seems to continue all throughout the year. The species is common as bycatch in bottom trawls down to 300 m depth on the bank slope. On the Faroe Shelf, individuals may be found sporadically and never in high abundances.

​T. sagittatus is a widely distributed species and has, in periods of decadal intervals, occurred in high abundances in the ecoregion – as well as in other northeastern regions – in late summer and autumn. High abundances have not occurred after the year 2000, but single individuals are commonly caught as bycatch in trawls. It is not observed to reproduce in the Faroes ecoregion nor other northern regions.​​

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Faroes Ecoregion: Cephalopods

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