Ecosystem overviews

Faroes Ecoregion: Marine litter

Marine litter is rated as the fourth largest pressures on the Faroes ecoregion and accounts for only 4% of the impact risk on the ecoregion. The ecoregion has fewer types of human activities compared to neighbouring ecoregions, and it is mainly shipping which contributes to the marine litter pressure together with fisheries and aquaculture; litter is also introduced from global sources.


​​​The effects of marine litter, especially micro- and nanoplastics, on marine organisms in the ecoregion are currently poorly known and are under investigation. One of the best pieces of evidence of the potential effects comes from demersal fish (cod, haddock, and saithe) stomach analyses. This indicated that of all fish analysed, 0.1% had some ingested plastic.

Marine litter impacts organisms and habitats through entanglement and ingestion, through chemical and microbial transfer, and through indirect foodweb effects.

The significance of the impact of abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear in the Faroese ecoregion is yet to be evaluated.​​

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Faroes Ecoregion: Marine litter

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