PANDORA's Toolbox

Genetic Factsheets

Compilation of fact sheets on 39 commercial species fishes in European seas

A step change in improvements in stock assessment tools and projections is now possible given recent, technological and methodological advances applied to fish such as genetics (stock discrimination, effective and absolute population size, fisheries-induced evolution). PANDORA combines biological, ecological, genetic, statistical, and the latest stock assessment methods on key target and by-catch species. A review of available genetic information on population structuring in exploited species and implementation of genetic data into the general framework for resource assessment was undertaken during the project, the results of which are synthesised in the PANDORA Genetic Fact Sheets.

The overall document compiles fact sheets on 32 commercial species fishes in European seas, along with comparative tables and contextual information on stock assessment, genetics, and fisheries management. In addition, an individual Genetic Fact Sheet was produced for each single species and is available for download here.

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Genetic Factsheets

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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