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Scientific publications

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Akbari, N., Maynou, F., Bjørndal, T., Failler, P., Drakeford, B., & Forse, A. (2021). Scenarios of profitability of western Mediterranean demersal fisheries in an effort control regime. In: Journal of Environmental Management, 300, 113794. 


Akimova, A., Hufnagl, M. & M.A. Peck (2019): Spatiotemporal dynamics of predators and survival of marine fish early life stages: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the North Sea. In: Progress in Oceanography, Vol. 176, S. 102-121.


Alvarez-Berasteguia, D., Saber, S. Ingram Jr, G.W., Díaz-Barroso, L., Reglero, P., Macías, D., García-Barcelona, S., Ortiz de Urbina, J., Tintoré, J. & F. Alemany (2018): Integrating reproductive ecology, early life dynamics and mesoscale oceanography to improve albacore tuna assessment in the Western Mediterranean. In: Fisheries Research, Vol. 208, pp. 329-338.


Berglann H, Bjørndal T, Maynou M. (2021) Eliminating Competition in Fisheries Management: The Mediterranean Case In: SNF Working Paper No. 13/21 


Blanco E, Reglero P, Ortega A, Folkvord A, de la Gándara F, de Rojas A, Moyano M (2020) First estimates of metabolic rate in Atlantic Bluefin tuna larvae. In: Journal of Fish Biology 97 (5) 1296-1305 


Christensen, E.A.F., Norin, T., Tabak, I., van Deurs, M. & J.W. Behrens (2020): Effects of temperature on physiological performance and behavioral thermoregulation in an invasive fish, the round goby. In: Journal of Experimental Biology (online open access).


Damalas, D., Sgardeli, V., Vasilakopoulos, P., Tserpes, G., & Maravelias, C. (2021). Evidence of climate‐driven regime shifts in the Aegean Sea’s demersal resources: A study spanning six decades. In: Ecology and evolution, 11(23), 16951-16971. 


Domenici, P. & F. Seebacher (2020): The impacts of climate change on the biomechanics of animals: Themed Issue Article: Biomechanics and Climate Change. In: Conservation Physiology, Vol. 8/1,  coz102.


Druon, J.- N., etc. (2021). Mesoscale productivity fronts and local fishing opportunities in the European Seas. In: Fish and Fisheries , 22, 1227– 1247.    


Failler P, Pan H and Akbari N. (2022) Integrated Social-Economic-Ecological Modeling for Fisheries: The ECOST Model. In: Front. Mar. Sci. 8:704371.   


Fiksen, Ø., & Reglero, P. (2022). Atlantic bluefin tuna spawn early to avoid metabolic meltdown in larvae. In: Ecology Society of America 


Forse A., B. Drakeford, P. Failler, J. Potts, N. Akbari (2021), Beyond Brexit Is the UK’s Fixed Quota Allocation (FQA) system in need of a fix? In: Marine Policy, Vol. 219, no. 104563, pp. 1-9. 


Gómez, S. & F. Maybou (2021): Balancing ecology, economy and culture in fisheries policy: Participatory research in the Western Mediterranean demersal fisheries management plan. In: Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 291, 112728. 


Gómez, S. & F. Maynou (2020): Economic, sociocultural and ecological dimensions of fishing capacity in NW Mediterranean fisheries. In: Ocean and Coastal Management , Vol. 197, 105323.


Gómez, S. & F. Maynou (2021): Alternative seafood marketing systems foster transformative processes in Mediterranean fisheries. In: Marine Policy 127: 104432.


Kühn, B., Taylor, M.H. & A. Kempf (2021:) Using machine learning to link spatiotemporal information to biological processes in the ocean: a case study for North Sea cod recruitment. In: Mar Ecol Prog Ser, Vol. 664, pp. 1-22. 


Köpsel, V., de Moura Kiipper, G. & M. Peck (2021): Stakeholder engagement vs. social distancing—how does the Covid-19 pandemic affect participatory research in EU marine science projects? In: Maritime Studies (online).


Marandel, F., Charrier, G., Lamy, J.-B., Le Cam, S., Lorance, P. & V. Trenkel (2020): Estimating effective population size using RADseq: Effects of SNP selection and sample size. In: Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1929–1937.


Marandel, F., Lorance, P., Berthelé, O., Trenkel, V.M., Waples, R.S. & J.-B. Lamy (2019): Estimating effective population size of large marine populations, is it feasible? In: Fish and Fisheries, Vol. 20, pp. 189-198.


Marandel, F., Lorance, P. & V.M. Trenkel (2019): Determining long-term changes in a skate assemblage with aggregated landings and limited species data. In: Fisheries Management and Ecology, Vol. 26/4, pp. 365-373.
Open Access:


Maynou, F. (2020): Evolution of fishing capacity in a Mediterranean fishery in the first two decades of the 21st c. In: Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 192, 105190.


Nati, J. J. H., Svendsen, M. B. S., Marras, S., Killen, S. S., Steffensen, J. F., Mckenzie, D. J., & Domenici, P. (2021). Intraspecific variation in thermal tolerance differs between tropical and temperate fishes. In: Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-8. 


Núñez-Riboni, I., Taylor, M.H., Kempf, A., Püts, M. & M. Mathis (2019): Spatially resolved past and projected changes of the suitable thermal habitat of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua) under climate change. In: ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz132.


Ottmann, D., Álvarez-Berastegui, D., Prieto, L., Balbín, R., Alemany, F., Fiksen, Ø., Gordoa A, Reglero, P (2021). Abundance of Pelagia noctiluca early life stages in the western Mediterranean Sea scales with surface chlorophyll. In: Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 658, 75-88 


Ottmann, Daniel; Øyvind Fiksen, Melissa Martín, Francisco Alemany, Laura Prieto, Diego Álvarez-Berastegui, Patricia Reglero. (2021). Spawning site distribution of a bluefin tuna reduces jellyfish predation on early life stages. In: Limnology and Oceanography. 


Peck, M.A., Alheit, J., Bertrand, A., Catalán, I.A., Garrido, S., Moyano, M., Rykaczewski, R.R., Takasuka, A. & C.D. van der Lingeni (2020): Small pelagic fish in the new millennium: A bottom-up view of global research effort. In: Progress in Oceanography,  Vol. 191, 102494. 


Ryberg, M. al. (2022). Parasite load of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the Baltic Sea assessed by the liver category method, and associations with infection density and critical condition. In: Fisheries Management and Ecology, 29(1), 88-99. 


Ryberg, M. P., Skov, P. V., Vendramin, N., Buchmann, K., Nielsen, A., & Behrens, J. W. (2020). Physiological condition of Eastern Baltic cod, Gadus morhua, infected with the parasitic nematode Contracaecum osculatum. In: Conservation physiology, 8(1), coaa093.


Maria Sokolova, Kurt Buchmann, Bastian Huwer, Per W. Kania, Uwe Krumme, Anders Galatius, Jakob Hemmer-Hansen, Jane W. Behrens (2018): Spatial patterns in infection of cod Gadus morhua with the seal-associated liver worm Contracaecum osculatum sensu stricto from the Skagerrak to the central Baltic Sea. In: Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 606, pp. 105-118.


Spence, M.A., Bannister, H.J., Ball, J.E., Dolder, P.J., Griffiths, C.A. & R.B. Thorpe (2020): LeMaRns: A Length-based Multi-species analysis by numerical simulation in R. In: PLoS ONE, Vol. 15(2). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227767


Taylor, M. H., Akimova, A., Bracher, A., Kempf, A., Kühn, B., & Hélaouët, P. (2021). Using Dynamic Ocean Color Provinces to Elucidate Drivers of North Sea Hydrography and Ecology. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(12).


Thorpe, R.B. (2019): What is multispecies MSY? A worked example from the North Sea. In: Journal of Fish Biology, Vol. 94/6, Special Issue: FSBI Symposium 2018: The Sustainable Use and Exploitation of Fisheries, University of East Anglia, 9-12 July 2018. 


Thorpe, R.B. & J. A.A. Oliveira (2019): Comparing conceptual frameworks for a fish community MSY (FCMSY) using management strategy evaluation—an example from the North Sea. In: ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz015.


Trenkel Verena, Charrier Gregory, Lorance Pascal, Bravington Mark V Close-kin mark–recapture abundance estimation: practical insights and lessons learned. In: ICES Journal of Marine Science IN PRESS . 


Trenkel, V. M., Boudry, P., Verrez-Bagnis, V. & P. Lorance (2020): Methods for identifying and interpreting sex-linked SNP markers and carrying out sex assignment: application to thornback ray (Raja clavata). Molecular Ecology Resources.


Trond Bjørndal T. (2021) The Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna Fishery: Back from the Brink? In: SNF Working Paper No. 06/21 


Valls M, Saber S, Gómez MJ, Reglero P, Mele S (2021) Diet and feeding behavior of albacore Thunnus alalunga in the western Mediterranean Sea during the spawning period. In: Journal of Fish Biology.


Voss, R., Quaas, M. & S. Neuenfeldt (2021): Robust, ecological-economic multispecies management of Central Baltic fishery resources. In: ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsab251. 


Voss, R., Quaas, M.F., Stiasny, M.H., Hänsel, M., Stecher Justiniano Pintoe, G.A., Lehmann, A., Reusch, T.B.H. & J.O. Schmidt (2019): Ecological-economic sustainability of the Baltic cod fisheries under ocean warming and acidification. In: Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 238, pp. 110-118.

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