PANDORA's Toolbox

Industry self-sampling

Data collected with and by fishermen has the potential to improve fisheries assessment

​​​​​When requirements for biological data are linked clearly to identified management needs, data collected with and by fishermen has the potential to improve fisheries assessment, management and the long term prosperity of the sector. As part of their quality assessment procedures, pelagic fishing vessels and factories often measure several biological parameters of the catch (e.g. species compositions, weight and fat content), as well as information linking the biological data to each specific haul location and depth. Besides the commercial interest in this information, it is potentially also very valuable for stock assessment and ecological research, but rarely is it stored or used for purposes beyond immediate commercial needs.

Through PANDORA, we designed and piloted industry self-sampling programmes that are able to build upon existing QA procedures to provide finely resolved spatial and temporal information on the size and age composition of species, their condition, growth rates and changes in their distribution and abundance. These programs took place in Scotland and the Netherlands and ran with much success. This Toolbox provides data sheets, manuals, sampling reports and explanatory videos from PANDORA’s self-sampling work in cooperation with the Scottish Pelagic Fisherman’s Association.

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Haul Data Entry sheet_SPFA_v1.7.xlsx
Length-Weight Data Entry sheet_SPFA_v1.6 TEMPLATE.xlsx
Pelagic self-sampling manual v2.0.pdf
Frozen sample selection-response and collection data sheet.xlsx
Self-sampling_Frozen sampling_Coin_toss_trip_selection.R
Blue whiting length sampling_SPFA_v1.2.pdf
Herring length sampling_SPFA.pdf
Keypad and Scale Operation.pdf
Mackerel length sampling_SPFA.pdf
1 - 4Next
A tool for data collection by fishermen.mp4
No1_Weight only mode.mp4
No2_Length-Weight mode.mp4
No3_Scales calibration_M1100.mp4
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Industry self-sampling

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