
ICES reflections: Understanding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on fisheries, markets, communities, and management

Wednesday 16 September
16:00–17:30 CEST

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The COVID-19 pandemic has spread throughout the world at an alarming rate this year. As the health crisis becomes a socioeconomic one, ICES would like to reflect on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted fisheries, seafood producers and consumers, scientists, and citizens around our member countries and the world, so far.  ​ 

The ongoing disruption has revealed both the strengths of ICES community as well as the need for more data and analyses to understand how events like COVID-19 impact society and how science can support marine resource managers’ response. 

In this webinar, we explored the economic and social sciences contribution to managing the impacts of this pandemic on fisheries and society, followed by a discussion on what lessons we have learnt broadly as a global community and what types of strategies are necessary to mitigate the impacts of similar future events.


The webinar was led by moderator Astrid Haug​​.

16:00 (CEST) - Welcome 

16:05 - ICES social science initiatives, COVID-19, and opportunities for the futureAlan Haynie (USA), IC​ES Strategic Initiative on the Human Dimension (SIHD)
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16:15 - Fisheries socioeconomic analysis and COVID-19, the US experienceDoug Lipton (USA), NOAA F​isheries​
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​16:30 - The impact of COVID-19 on the European small-scale fisheries industryCristina Pita (Portugal), Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro
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16:45 - After the first shock: An assessment framework for understanding the impact of COVID-19 on fisheries​, Marloes Kraan (the Netherlands), Wageningen Marine R​esearch and Environmental Policy Group​, Wageningen University
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​17:00 - Question and answer session

17:30 End​

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ICES reflections: Understanding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on fisheries, markets, communities, and management

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