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ICES ASC 2016 abstracts
Abstract_ICES_Pascal_Tremblayxxx.pdfBallast water of domestic ships as a pathway for the introduction of non-indigenous mesozooplankton in coastal Nunavik, CanadaAbstract_ICES_Pascal_TremblayxxxPascal Tremblay 131P24/08/2016 11:17
Abstract_ICES2016_P_Nevalainen.pdfTowards quantitative oil spill risk assessment in the Arctic sea areasAbstract_ICES2016_P_NevalainenMaisa Nevalainen132P24/08/2016 11:18
Abstract_JMakinen.pdfModelling spatio-temporal variation of surface hydrography in an Arctic shelf seaAbstract_JMakinenJussi Mäkinen133P24/08/2016 11:18
Abstract_NoémieFriscourt.pdfStructure and resilience of the benthic food web across the Canadian Arctic Ocean and the Chukchi sea.Abstract_NoémieFriscourtNoémie Friscourt134P24/08/2016 11:18
ICECCM2016PinkSalmonInTheArctic.pdfPink salmon as sentinels for climate change in the ArcticICECCM2016PinkSalmonInTheArcticEd Farley135P24/08/2016 11:18
ICES 2016 Riga abstract.pdfA Bioeconomic Model of Ocean Acidification Challenges in the Baffin Bay/Davis Straight Shrimp FisheryICES 2016 Riga abstractBrooks A. Kaiser136P24/08/2016 11:18
ICES AIS Abstract 2016.pdfBenthic non-indigenous species in ports of the Canadian Arctic: risks associated with global warming and shipping activityICES AIS Abstract 2016Kimberly Howland137P24/08/2016 11:18
ICES CM 2016 P Howell et al.pdfSYMBIOSES: a practical risk management tool to integrate fisheries and hydrocarbon activities in the Lofotens and Barents Sea, NorwayICES CM 2016 P Howell et alDaniel Howell138P24/08/2016 11:18
ICES CM 2016 P Stiasny et al.pdfSocio-economic impacts of ocean acidification and warming on Barents Sea CodICES CM 2016 P Stiasny et alMartina H. Stiasny123P24/08/2016 11:18
ICES CM 2016 PINNEGAR.pdfUnique insights from historical fisheries survey logbooks in the ArcticICES CM 2016 PINNEGARJohn K. Pinnegar124P24/08/2016 11:18
ICES CM 2016abs.pdfRegional heterogeneity in climate change impacts on the living marine resources of the Arctic.ICES CM 2016absAnne B. Hollowed126P25/08/2016 09:08
ICES CM 2016-P_Llope_abstract.pdfCod response to past and current warm phases in the seas of Iceland, a time series analysisICES CM 2016-P_Llope_abstractMarcos Llope127P24/08/2016 11:18
ICES-Riga abstract April 2016.pdfThe Missing Middle: The Need for International Collaboration to Fill Gaps in Central Arctic Ocean ScienceICES-Riga abstract April 2016Henry P. Huntington128P24/08/2016 11:18
Karl-Michael Werner Trophodynamics cod.pdfTrophodynamics of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on the Greenland continental shelf 2006-2010 and Spitsbergen 2010Karl-Michael Werner Trophodynamics codKarl-Michael Werner612P07/09/2016 09:11
Laurel et al abstract_ICES 2016.pdfClimate change impacts on the ecosystem services of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida)Laurel et al abstract_ICES 2016Benjamin J. Laurel129P25/08/2016 09:08
poster ICES.pdfAn overview of the adequacy of Arctic sea basin dataposter ICESBelinda J. Kater130P24/08/2016 11:18