Browse all ICES Expert Group Reports from 2016 in the ICES library

ICES ASC 2016 abstracts
Folder: 01 Delegates Meeting01 Delegates Meeting01 Delegates Meeting62908/09/2017 08:12
Folder: 02 Gen - Papers of General Interest02 Gen - Papers of General Interest02 Gen - Papers of General Interest63008/09/2017 08:13
Folder: A - Fisher collected acoustic​ data (FCAD)A - Fisher collected acoustic​ data (FCAD)A - Fisher collected acoustic​ data (FCAD)112/08/2016 12:07
Folder: B - Predictably Irrational – a new scientific research field for the science underpinning marine-resource managementB - Predictably Irrational – a new scientific research field for the science underpinning marine-resource managementB - Predictably Irrational – a new scientific research field for the science underpinning marine-resource management212/08/2016 12:07
Folder: C - From individuals to ecosystems their ecology and evolution​C - From individuals to ecosystems their ecology and evolution​C - From individuals to ecosystems their ecology and evolution​312/08/2016 12:07
Folder: D - Ecosystem changes and impacts on diadromous and marine species productivityD - Ecosystem changes and impacts on diadromous and marine species productivityD - Ecosystem changes and impacts on diadromous and marine species productivity412/08/2016 12:07
Folder: E - The emerging science of ecological multimodel inference for informing fisheries managementE - The emerging science of ecological multimodel inference for informing fisheries managementE - The emerging science of ecological multimodel inference for informing fisheries management512/08/2016 12:07
Folder: F - Integrated ecosystems assessment and decision support to advance ecosystem-based fisheries managementF - Integrated ecosystems assessment and decision support to advance ecosystem-based fisheries managementF - Integrated ecosystems assessment and decision support to advance ecosystem-based fisheries management612/08/2016 12:07
Folder: G - The inshore challenge – management of recreational and commercial fisheries accounting for social benefits, economic valG - The inshore challenge – management of recreational and commercial fisheries accounting for social benefits, economic valG - The inshore challenge – management of recreational and commercial fisheries accounting for social benefits, economic val1012/08/2016 12:07
Folder: H - Looking backwards to move ahead how the wider application of new technologies to interpret scale, otolith, statolith and othH - Looking backwards to move ahead how the wider application of new technologies to interpret scale, otolith, statolith and othH - Looking backwards to move ahead how the wider application of new technologies to interpret scale, otolith, statolith and oth1112/08/2016 12:07
Folder: I - Seasonal-to-decadal prediction of marine systems opportunities, approaches, and applicationsI - Seasonal-to-decadal prediction of marine systems opportunities, approaches, and applicationsI - Seasonal-to-decadal prediction of marine systems opportunities, approaches, and applications1212/08/2016 12:07
Folder: J - What is a good pelagic habitat​J - What is a good pelagic habitat​J - What is a good pelagic habitat​1312/08/2016 12:07
Folder: K - Make marine sediment extraction sustainable by mitigation of related processes with potential negative impacts​K - Make marine sediment extraction sustainable by mitigation of related processes with potential negative impacts​K - Make marine sediment extraction sustainable by mitigation of related processes with potential negative impacts​1412/08/2016 12:07
Folder: L - Integration challenges in maritime spatial planning – approaches, science gaps, and communication demandsL - Integration challenges in maritime spatial planning – approaches, science gaps, and communication demandsL - Integration challenges in maritime spatial planning – approaches, science gaps, and communication demands1512/08/2016 12:07
Folder: M - The role of zooplankton in exploited ecosystems  top-down and bottom-up stresses on pelagic food webs​M - The role of zooplankton in exploited ecosystems  top-down and bottom-up stresses on pelagic food webs​M - The role of zooplankton in exploited ecosystems top-down and bottom-up stresses on pelagic food webs​1612/08/2016 12:07
Folder: N - Long-term phytoplankton trends in the ICES area regional distribution, bloom dynN - Long-term phytoplankton trends in the ICES area regional distribution, bloom dynN - Long-term phytoplankton trends in the ICES area regional distribution, bloom dyn1712/08/2016 12:07
Folder: O - “When is enough, enough” Methods for optimising, evaluating, and prioritising of marine data collectionO - “When is enough, enough” Methods for optimising, evaluating, and prioritising of marine data collectionO - “When is enough, enough” Methods for optimising, evaluating, and prioritising of marine data collection1812/08/2016 12:07
Folder: P - Arctic Ecosystem Services Challenges and Opportunities (Co-sponsored by AMAP, EU-PolarNet, and ICES) ​P - Arctic Ecosystem Services Challenges and Opportunities (Co-sponsored by AMAP, EU-PolarNet, and ICES) ​P - Arctic Ecosystem Services Challenges and Opportunities (Co-sponsored by AMAP, EU-PolarNet, and ICES) ​1912/08/2016 12:07
Folder: Q - Harvest control rules beyond FMSY for an ecosystem approach to fisheries​Q - Harvest control rules beyond FMSY for an ecosystem approach to fisheries​Q - Harvest control rules beyond FMSY for an ecosystem approach to fisheries​2012/08/2016 12:07
Folder: R - Integrating humanities and social sciences into marine ecosystem management - first stepsR - Integrating humanities and social sciences into marine ecosystem management - first stepsR - Integrating humanities and social sciences into marine ecosystem management - first steps2112/08/2016 12:07