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ICES ASC 2016 abstracts
Abstract for ASC2016_Hiroaki SUGINO.pdfOcean-scape designing by vectors of citizen's consciousness: a practical case study from the Tokyo Bay of JapanAbstract for ASC2016_Hiroaki SUGINOHiroaki Sugino596L01/09/2016 13:24
Abstract- ICES CM 2016-RS.pdfThe risks of ignoring culture ecosystem services from marine planningAbstract- ICES CM 2016-RSRachel Shucksmith597L01/09/2016 13:24
Abstract- ICES. Stanley Mastrantonis.pdfUsing Species Distribution Models to predict king scallop (Pecten maximus) distribution along the East coast of ScotlandAbstract- ICES. Stanley MastrantonisStanley Mastrantonis598L01/09/2016 13:24
Abstract Varjopuro et al ICES 2016.pdfQuality of cross-border collaboration in maritime spatial planning – an evaluation frameworkAbstract Varjopuro et al ICES 2016Riku Varjopuro599L01/09/2016 13:24
Abstract_Silvana Birchenough_ICES_2016.pdfIdentifying risk and opportunities resulting from multiple activities under a changing climate: A case study in the South and East Marine Plan Areas, UKAbstract_Silvana Birchenough_ICES_2016Silvana Birchenough600L01/09/2016 13:24
Billet et al Abstract ICES ASC 2016.pdfInterpolating fishing vessel tracks to improve representation of the use of marine space by commercial fisheries in marine spatial planningBillet et al Abstract ICES ASC 2016Maîly Billet601L01/09/2016 13:24
ICES 2016.pdfRole of MSP in securing investments in offshore wind: application of process quality management toolICES 2016Ivana Lukic 602L01/09/2016 13:32
ICES 2016-ID570.pdfEcosystem based approach in MSP development – Latvian case studyICES 2016-ID570Solvita Strake603L01/09/2016 13:37
ICES 2016-Walmsley-et-al.pdfAssessing the significance of fishing and natural disturbance at local scalesICES 2016-Walmsley-et-alS.F. Walmsley583L01/09/2016 13:32
ICES abstract HAWKINS.pdfOpportunities for improving inclusion of fisheries-based knowledge in marine spatial management practicesICES abstract HAWKINSAnne Hawkins584L01/09/2016 13:33
ICES abstract MINKIEWICZ.pdfIntegrating effective fisheries consultation in marine spatial managementICES abstract MINKIEWICZAndrew Minkiewicz585L01/09/2016 13:24
ICES Abstract Theme L MSP Adaptive Governance GREENHILL 270416.pdfMarine spatial planning as a tool to enableadaptive governance: implications for practice and evaluationICES Abstract Theme L MSP Adaptive Governance GREENHILL 270416Lucy Greenhill586L01/09/2016 13:24
ICES ASC 2016 Aps et al Abstract.pdfIntegrating Quality Management into the Maritime Spatial Planning processes: Estonian caseICES ASC 2016 Aps et al AbstractRobert Aps587L01/09/2016 13:24
ICES CM 2016 L Morf et al MSP BalticScope Lessons     Learned.pdfTowards integration and transnational collaboration in Baltic Marine Spatial Planning – Lessons learned from the Baltic Scope projectICES CM 2016 L Morf et al MSP BalticScope Lessons LearnedAndrea Morf588L01/09/2016 13:27
ICES_ASC2016_L_Schulze_ISLA_abstract_20160422_1330.pdfIndividual Stress Level Analyses (ISLA) communicate impact of spatial management options on national or local fisheries communities to decision makersICES_ASC2016_L_Schulze_ISLA_abstract_20160422_1330Torsten Schulze589L01/09/2016 13:27
Integration Challenges for MSP in the Baltic SeaICESAbstractSubmission.pdfIntegration in Baltic Sea MSP: What role does it really play?Integration Challenges for MSP in the Baltic SeaICESAbstractSubmissionFred Saunders590L01/09/2016 13:27
Kafas et al. Abstract ICES ASC2016 - 300416.pdfSpatio-temporal modelling of fishing effort pattern after displacement due to offshore wind developments using INLAKafas et al. Abstract ICES ASC2016 - 300416A. Kafas591L01/09/2016 13:27
Lonsdale_J_A_Abstract_ICES-CM2016+L FINAL1.pdfDeveloping an estuarine planning support system: a case study for the Humber Estuary, Eastern EnglandLonsdale_J_A_Abstract_ICES-CM2016+L FINAL1Jemma-Anne Lonsdale592L01/09/2016 13:27
Pennino_ICES_2016L.pdfHelping fishers to reduce discards: a spatial approachPennino_ICES_2016LMaria Grazia Pennino593L01/09/2016 13:27
Theme_L_Celtic_Seas_Partnership_poster.pdfThe Celtic Seas PartnershipTheme_L_Celtic_Seas_Partnership_posterPenny Wilson594L01/09/2016 13:27
tsL-jardimetal2.pdf"Mapping science into management: The CFP connectiontsL-jardimetal2Ernesto Jardim595L01/09/2016 13:27