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ICES ASC 2016 abstracts
2016 Biodiversity_ICES.pdfMapping benthic biodiversity using predictive modeling2016 Biodiversity_ICESAnneliis Peterson293I01/09/2016 13:16
Abstract KjerstiOpstadStrand_ICESASC2016.pdfInvestigating Hjort's second hypothesis - how to predict the part who is lost for recruitment?Abstract KjerstiOpstadStrand_ICESASC2016Kjersti Opstad Strand294I25/08/2016 08:17
Abstract_ASC2016_V3.pdfWhen and how can we apply environmental indices that covary with stock dynamics?  - A North Sea sandeel case studyAbstract_ASC2016_V3Mikael van Deurs295I25/08/2016 09:13
Abstract_CP_2016.pdfUncovering the environmental processes driving a seasonal migratory species characterized by strong inter annual fluctuationsAbstract_CP_2016Cecilia Pinto296I25/08/2016 08:17
abstract_ICES_ASC_2016_ThemeSessionI_CRW_Outlook_GangLiu_etal_20160428.pdfNOAA Coral Reef Watch's Probabilistic Seasonal Prediction of Shallow-Water Coral Bleaching Thermal Stress for Informing Management Decisionsabstract_ICES_ASC_2016_ThemeSessionI_CRW_Outlook_GangLiu_etal_20160428Gang Liu297I25/08/2016 08:17
AKMiesner_ICES_CM_2016_I_Abstract.pdfForecasting the spawning distribution of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou)AKMiesner_ICES_CM_2016_I_AbstractAnna K. Miesner298I25/08/2016 08:17
Dempsey ICES Theme I Abstract 2016.pdfWhich environmental and human indicators best predict fish community status?Dempsey ICES Theme I Abstract 2016Danielle Dempsey299I25/08/2016 08:17
Despoti et al_ICES CM 2016_Session I.pdfSuitability maps to show potential areas of high concentrations of unwanted catch. Can they be a new tool to aid fisheries management?Despoti et al_ICES CM 2016_Session ISmaragda Despoti 300I25/08/2016 08:17
Di_Lorenzo_ENSO_Predictability_v2.pdfForecasting ENSO Impacts on Marine Ecosystems of the US West CoastDi_Lorenzo_ENSO_Predictability_v2Mark Payne301I25/08/2016 08:17
FrankEtal.pdfThe Predictability and Prediction Horizon of Population Dynamic TrajectoriesFrankEtalAnna-Simone Frank302I25/08/2016 08:17
Haynie ICES Absract Session I_revised.pdfPredicting Fisher Behavior under Changing Policies, Economics, and Environmental ConditionsHaynie ICES Absract Session I_revisedAlan C. Haynie303I25/08/2016 08:17
Hidalgo et al. ICES ASC 2016_Session_I.pdfPredicting the distribution of young demersal fish integrating connectivity estimates and seascape metrics at variable spatiotemporal scalesHidalgo et al. ICES ASC 2016_Session_IM. Hidalgo304I25/08/2016 08:17
ICES CM 2016_Abstract_DK.pdfAssessing the Role of Environmental Factors on Baltic Cod Recruitment, a Complex Adaptive System Emergent PropertyICES CM 2016_Abstract_DKDionysis Krekoukiotis279I25/08/2016 09:14
ICES CM 2016_zwolinski_FINAL.pdfFour years on: Insights on forecasting a fish stock declineICES CM 2016_zwolinski_FINALJuan P. Zwolinski 280I25/08/2016 08:17
ICES_2016_Abstract_Decadal forecasting.pdfDecadal-scale forecasting of climate drivers for marine applicationsICES_2016_Abstract_Decadal forecastingAlistair Hobday281I25/08/2016 08:17
ICES_2016_Abstract_DecisionSupport_upload.pdfSeasonal forecasting for decision support in marine fisheries and aquacultureICES_2016_Abstract_DecisionSupport_uploadClaire M. Spillman282I25/08/2016 08:17
ICES_Abstract_Tommasi.pdfValue of ocean prediction to fisheries managementICES_Abstract_TommasiDesiree Tommasi283I25/08/2016 08:17
ICES_ASC_Theme_Session_I_BlueFin_Tuna_predictability.pdfMulti-annual forecasts of Bluefin tuna habitat and distribution in the North AtlanticICES_ASC_Theme_Session_I_BlueFin_Tuna_predictabilityMark R. Payne284I25/08/2016 09:14
ICES_ASR_2016_JTinker.pdfClimate signal emergence and near-future climate projections of the hydrodynamics of the North West European Shelf SeasICES_ASR_2016_JTinkerJonathan Tinker285I25/08/2016 08:17
ICES2016_lobsterforecast.pdfSeasonal forecast of the timing of the Maine lobster fisheryICES2016_lobsterforecastKatherine E. Mills286I25/08/2016 08:17
Lynch_etal_ICES_Abstract_Final.pdfEcosystem dynamics and the development of stock-specific scientific advice for fisheries management in the USALynch_etal_ICES_Abstract_FinalPatrick D Lynch287I25/08/2016 09:15
MacKenzie_Matei_Payne_ICES_Session_I_2016_eel.pdfApplying north Atlantic climate-oceanographic models for forecasting European eel recruitmentMacKenzie_Matei_Payne_ICES_Session_I_2016_eelBrian R. MacKenzie288I25/08/2016 08:17
Manderson_ICESASC2016_SessionI_abstract_04292016.pdfCollaborative nowcasting of seascape dynamics to develop models for accurate estimates of past and future availability of fish to fisheries and fisheries indepdent surveysManderson_ICESASC2016_SessionI_abstract_04292016John P Manderson289I25/08/2016 08:17
Matei_ICES_abstract.pdfSkilful near term predictions over the North Atlantic regionMatei_ICES_abstractDaniela Matei290I25/08/2016 09:16
Picado.pdfA modelling study of phytoplankton growth along the NW coast of the Iberian Peninsula under coastal upwellingPicadoPicado, A.291I25/08/2016 08:17
SolvangEtal.pdfDeriving Causal Drivers of Population Dynamics on Different Time ScalesSolvangEtalHiroko Solvang292I25/08/2016 08:17