
Fresh style for Baltic stock advice

Advice on Baltic Sea fish stocks released today is first major batch to include format changes.
Published: 29 May 2015

​​​​​​​​​​​ICES has tweaked the format of its recurrent advice to enhance the deliverables on fisheries and ecosystem issues while maintaining the advice on fishing possibilities for fish and shell fish stocks.

Three different advice deliverables – ecosystem, fisheries and fish stock – for each of the Northeast Atlantic ecoregions will be delivered under the new setup.

The release of fish stock advice today to the EU represents the first major batch of advice in the revised format. It covers the economically most important fish stocks in the Baltic Sea and provides details on the historical developments, current state of the stocks, and catch advice for 2016.​​​​​​​​​

"The fresh layout is designed to present the advice in a more consistent way and to make the often very complex information and advice easier to read and understand," explained Chair of ICES Advisory Committee (ACOM)​ Eskild Kirkegaard.

ICES will follow up on the stock advice by releasing information on the developments and state of the fisheries in the Baltic Sea and the state of the Baltic Sea ecosystem later this year.​

The advice released today also includes North Sea herring.​​

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Fresh style for Baltic stock advice

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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